This liquid conducts heat energy very efficiently . 这种液体能十分有效地传导热能。
The unit of heat energy commonly used in physics is the calorie . 在物理学中,热能单位一般用卡表示。
The extra heat energy required to expand a gas against a constant pressure . 恒压下需要额外热能才能使气体膨胀。
As the gas heats, its electrical resistance decreases and it radiates heat energy less efficiently . 随着气体被加热,这些气体的电阻下降,辐射热能的效率也随之减低。
In fact fuels we burn and plant foods we eat give off their chemical energy in the form of heat energy . 其实我们烧的煤和吃的植物性食物都是以热能形式放出它们所含有的化学能。
There is no simple general law relating the change of temperature of a substance to the heat energy add to it . 加进物质的热量同物质温度的变化之间的关系,还没有一条简洁而普通的定律。
When the radiant energy of the sun falls on the earth it is changed into heat energy , and as a result the earth is warmed . 当太阳的辐射能落在地球上时,就变为热能,于是,地球暖和起来了。
Anything that can burn is a source of heat energy 任何能够燃烧的东西都是热能源。
To absorbing light energy and heat energy 吸收光能及热能,促进放射能量。
In the process , the light energy converts to heat energy 在这个过程中,光能转化成热能。